Friday, June 11, 2010

Well That Wasn't Part of the Plan

I am not sure why some things happen, but I am a big believer that all things do happen for a reason and the big guy in the sky has a plan.

This past Sunday, I crashed on my bike at the Breezy Point triathlon in Norfolk, VA. It was a pretty freak thing and I'm still not sure exactly what happened. As I was coming into t2 it was quite confusing and congested. For some reason there was no dismount line or not one that I saw and there was a line of cones in front of the opening to go into t2 that they hadn't moved yet from the morning. This coupled with me hammering too hard in trying to catch the few guys who had just entered or left thing I know my front wheel slid out and I'm laying on the ground. I was knocked out for a brief moment as I laid there on my stomach. When I woke up I remember hearing Rachel's voice (thank God she was right there) and then people shouting for an ambulance. When I finally realized what had happened the EMTs were there and tried to get me to roll wasn't happening. I knew something was up as my neck was very sore and my left shoulder/collarbone was all messed up. I was in a good amount of pain, but all I could think about was how mad I was to not finish the race and it set in that there was no way I'd be racing at Eagleman a week later. The ambulance got me to the ER and they got me all situated. It was not the best way to spend a Sunday morning, especially the day before your birthday!

Monday came and I had to see an orthopedic doctor as my fracture was pretty bad. It turned out that I did need surgery to ensure that it would heal properly so that is scheduled for tomorrow. I've never had surgery so I'm a bit nervous, but I've had a few people tell me they know of the doctor I'm working with and that he's very good at what he does.

I don't know why this had to happen, but there is nothing I can do about it at this point besides look forward to getting better so that I can train/race again. I am confident I'll heal fast and be back out there before I know it. It truly is amazing the people that come together to help you out in times like this. I've gotten so many calls/messages/emails from people...some I hardly know at all. I'm very lucky to have so many caring people in my life. Rachel, especially, has been awesome. It's like having your own personal nurse at home. She's been a huge help in helping me feel better. I have already set up a nice little team to help me get healthy again once I am cleared to start doing some PT and light exercise. Balance Massage and Range of Motions are committed to helping me get back to 100%. I'm very thankful to have them on my side. I've been talking with Diane Haupt too about what we can do to get me back quick.

At the end of the day, an injury like this is never easy, but really it's not a big deal at all. There are so many people who have way worse things to deal with. I am very fortunate that my principal at school and colleagues have stepped up and basically told me they don't want me coming back to work until I'm healthy. The end of the school year is Wednesday so I'm basically done. I want to try to get in to see the kids one last time before summer starts, but we'll see how the surgery goes.

I can't express my thanks enough to all of you who have helped me this past week. All of the little messages and phone calls really do help.

I'm already targeting a couple races this fall and planning the training I'll need to do to get back!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend as I know a lot of people have targeted Eagleman in the hampton roads area as a big race and there is also the Hampton sprint and olympic this weekend. I have a few athletes racing and I'm very excited to see how they all do. They've been working hard!

1 comment:

bmccune said...

You'll be back out there training before you know it Dave! Sorry that this had to happen at such an in-opportune time, but there's really no good time for a major bike crash, is there!

You have lots of years to get to Kona and it'll happen soon. REST UP!