Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kennedy Elisabeth Smith

Here she is...the little one we've been anxiously waiting for these past 9 months. Kennedy Elisabeth was born Tuesday night at 10:58PM and was a little 5 lbs. and 18 inches. Words cannot express the experience and it's such a miracle. I don't know how in the world someone could have a baby and not believe in God. She has stolen both of our hearts and we are loving every minute. Thanks so much to all our family and friends who have supported us through this and will continue to do so. If you only knew little Kennedy how much you are already loved...


Nicole said...

Congrats to you Dave on your newest family member...she's such a cutie!! Best of luck to you and Rachel as you move into this next chapter of your lives!!

waiting for kennedy said...

Congratulation for new cute member.Thanks for sharing us your happy moment with us.She's god gift.Best up luck.Take care of her.
waiting for kennedy