Friday, August 27, 2010

Mr. McGee

I had the privilege of meeting Bobby Mcgee at the USAT clinic this February. He keeps an interesting blog and this week he talks about leaning properly while running. You can check it out here . Proper run mechanics is something Janda and I have been preaching more and more this year to our athletes. So far the results have been very positive. A lot of people don't think run mechanics play a huge role...they do! Run economy (essentially how much oxygen you use/energy you expend at a given pace) is huge for triathlon, especially because you go into the run already a bit fatigued from swimming and cycling. Run economy has a lot to do with proper run mechanics. Anyways, Bobby does a very nice job explaning how to lean while running.

All 3 disciplines of triathlon need to be considered from a technique standpoint. We all know swimming is a highly technical sport. Running is a close 2nd and cycling 3rd in line, but still very important. Cycling seems to not be quite as technical because of the mechanical advantage with using a machine (the bike). If you have good power output you will likely be fast on the bike...assuming your fit is good. At the same time, cycling is the longest leg of a triathlon and if you have poor technique this gets magnified the longer the distance. I am a firm believer that you cannot be too strong/efficient on the bike. The best runners are often the best cyclists too as they run so well because they get off the bike more fresh.

Okay time to get on the bike...wasn't planning on sharing so much...just wanted to send some people to Bobby's's a good one!

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